• And times move so fast…

    And times move so fast…

    7 responses

    I’m in my office again, gearing up for the start of a new term, in the New Year, having made a deliberate choice to take the same school…

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  • Speaking out !

    Speaking out !

    4 responses

    The request to “do some digging on Ruth Swales” (sic)  was met with the response “ Can’t find anything specific from Ruth that brings the department into disrepute.…

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  • The long weekend

    The long weekend

    8 responses

    Grief is something you live with. Sometimes it inhabits a huge part of your day and is at the forefront of your mind, at other times it is…

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  • It could have been me…

    It could have been me…

    9 responses

    An anonymous headteacher shares the devastating effect an inspection had upon their school, staff and community.

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  • Musings from the studio

    Musings from the studio

    10 responses

    The notion that we’re in control is really just an illusion, we’re not really in control at all, illness and accidents remind us that it only takes one…

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  • At the end of a long term….

    At the end of a long term….

    Time is one of the most precious commodities we have.  Teachers and leaders know what they want to do, but the challenge is to find the time to…

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  • Joining the Dots

    Joining the Dots

    One response

    It’s almost impossible to separate the learning. The Geography is directly linked to the History and the Science. This is the way we work in the Early Years…

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  • This much I know

    This much I know

    16 responses

    So, here we are. 7 weeks into widowhood and it’s been quite a journey. Here’s how it’s been for me.

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  • The Gift

    The Gift

    64 responses

    Yesterday we were given the news that we knew would come one day soon, but that we’d all been dreading, Pete’s cancer has spread and is “misbehaving”

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  • Hope


    10 responses

    We’re packing for a holiday we might not be able to go on. “How do you do it?” a friend asked the other day, “How do you keep…

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